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Mentorship Program Sponsorship Opportunities

Austin SHRM invites you to sponsor our SHRM nationally recognized fall mentorship cohort program that runs September 18 – December 12, 2024. This is a much sought-after program that pairs Austin SHRM members with experienced mentors with the intent to promote HR and career professional development, enhanced work performance, and meaningful connections.

This first-of-its kind sponsorship level is $2,500. As a sponsor, your investment will be reflected in the following benefits.

Brand Recognition and Exposure:
    • Visibility to 800+ Austin SHRM professionals and related networks
    • Logo placement on Austin SHRM mentorship webpage
    • Recognition at four (4) monthly meetings and new member orientations
    • Promotion at Austin SHRM conference (held August 2, 2024)
    • Exposure on social media platforms and email communications

Networking and Speaking Opportunities:

    • Direct connection with 20-30 HR professionals (mentors and mentees)
    • Speaking opportunity at program kick-off and closing networking events

Bonus:  Austin SHRM members from your organization can participate as mentors or mentees at no cost. 

Thank you for considering sponsorship for our Fall Mentorship Program. We’d love to have you as a sponsor and be a part of this wonderful opportunity!

Click here to reserve your sponsorship!

For more information, please contact the Co-VPs of Professional Development, Karen Nieft or Ricardo Carlos, at


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